Sunday, August 7, 2011

A Good Day of Exercising!

I am happy with my day today.  The last few haven't been as good.  I know I have a long way to go on changing my eating habits, but I'm pretty proud of the amount of exercise I've been doing.  Both yesterday and today Andy had hockey practice at UMD.  Yesterday I walked laps around the indoor track that is two stories above the sheet of ice.  Morgan and Jennifer walked with me.  Unfortunately my dang pedometer on my iPhone didn't work, and I didn't keep track of how many laps I completed, so I'm not really sure how far I went.  Today for his practice, the upstairs walking track was locked, so Morgan and I were going to go for a walk outside instead.  We couldn't watch the hockey going on, but that was ok with us.  We headed outside and were going to walk the entire perimeter of the campus, when we realized that the gate was open to the football field, which has a track running around the outside.  Morgan decided she wanted to walk laps in there instead of walking the campus, so we headed in.  It was warm out, but not too unbearable.  Morgan did about 3 laps with me, and then decided she wanted to practice some dance moves on the turf, since we happened to catch an episode of "Dance Moms" on TV yesterday (Lord strike me down if I turn into one of THOSE parents!!!) and she saw a few things she wanted to try.  I will say that having her watch that show is some good motivation for her.  There really are some very talented dancers on that show, and they are nine years old, just like my Morgie Pie.  Anyway - I'm pretty sure my pedometer was working properly the whole time I was walking today, and it told me that I walked 2.056 miles.  I know I did 8 laps, and I'm pretty sure I remember hearing somewhere that 4 times around a football field is one mile.  I felt good after that walk, and I probably could have gone farther, but Morgan was getting very hot and her face was pretty red.  We decided to call it a day.  When we got home, I cut the grass, which was in desperate need of a good trim, which burned off a few more calories!

The weather is finally at the exact right temp for me, and it's supposed to be all week.  Highs are supposed to be right around 75 all week!  Perfect! 

Tonight I believe we are headed over to my sister's house for some dinner on the grill.  yummm!  I think I burned enough calories today to enjoy a few extra endulgences tonight!

Still tryin' hard to fit into smaller pants...


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