Sunday, November 18, 2012

Somethin' kinda cool happened.

Two years ago, I made a knit headband with a big flower on it for one of my friends.  She really liked it.  She wore it to hockey, and another mom saw it and liked it too, so she asked me to make one for her.  I did, and she loved hers too.  It's very fun making stuff for people who love your stuff.
So a few weeks ago, my friend was shopping with one of her friends who was looking for hand knit headbands to sell at her local shop.  My friend immediately thought of me.  (!!!)

So, I got hooked up with the right gal...

...and made a few more headbands...

... and they are officially on sale at the gift shop at Spirit Mountain, our local ski hill!  I'm super excited about this, and hope people will buy them all!  (I just hope I don't get an order for 200 next week!)


  1. OMG! I can't believe it! (well yes I can but you know what I mean....!!!!) YOU ARE FAMOUS and you know damn well you are gonna be in demand sista! xo

  2. Thanks ladies! I don't know how famous I am, but this is still pretty exciting!
