Friday, May 25, 2012

A Happy List

I am one of those people who likes to make lists and put silly things on them, just so I can cross them off.  I especially like making lists of things to be happy about.  Sometimes I make lists in my head of things to panic/worry/not be happy about, and then I just start to hyperventalate and go find some wine.

Today is a happy day though.  And so now I bring you my happy list:

1.  The sun is shining.  It's been raining for 4 days straight and today it's sunny.  I think the next 4 days are supposed to be rainy too.  Rain is good for the garden, but not for my mood.
2.  I've discovered how much I like cucumber water.  I had some at a pedicure a few months ago, and decided to make some at home.  Yum.  Take some cut up cucumbers, put them in a pitcher, add water.  Yep.
3.  TONIGHT I not only get to see my sissy that I haven't seen since Christmas, but also Tricia from Mommy's Missing Pieces.  I'm giddy.  (well, I'll see Tricia tomorrow morning, but that's close enough).  Our three families are going to spend the long weekend at sissy's house.  The best part?  We have NO plans other than we have to go thrifting sometime during the weekend.  We are going to drink some adult bevvies, do some puzzles, I will knit, they will cook.  Giddy.  Together, these two girls have listened to me complain about more than I care to admit, and always say the right thing back to make me feel better.  Love you girls!
4.  The drive to sissy's takes about 5 hours.  Most of these hours will be spent in the daylight.  5 daylight hours in the car = 5 glorious hours of knitting for me.  And then again on the way home. 
5.  There are 7 days of school left.  Then I won't have to argue with my son over why he forgot again to turn in an assignment, resulting in another zero.
6.  Both of my kids remembered to put their deodorant on this morning.  Trust me, you have no idea how big of a deal this is.  Kelly, you are welcome.
7.  I do not have a headache today, and I slept REALLY good last night.  Finally.
8.  Nate's uncle is sending me some raw wool freshly sheared from his sheep!  I'm so excited to try processing it all the way from this state, into yarn, and into something rediculously warm and wearable!  (and a bit nervous to have it be a big flop and waste it!)
9.  Next Wednesday is Hockey Mom's club, Friday I get to go see a play with my mama, and Saturday is knit night!  Three events in one week that are for MEEEE!
10.  Did I mention it's sunny out?

Now, I just need to truck through this afternoon, and let the weekend fun begin.

I hope you all have a safe, HAPPY, fun Memorial weekend.  Thank you vets, for all you have done and continue to do for us!




  1. BUT, you have to see MEEEEEEEE!!!!!!
    Your loving Bro-in-law, Tom :-)
